Save the children Ukraine

As fighting escalates in Ukraine, you ask yourself the question, what can I do? Often it’s a thought and you continue with your regular life. Luckily not all people carry on with their normal life, Marc Neutelings got in touch with us and proposed we organize a charity race to support the Save the Children charity.

Worldwide a perfect storm of COVID-19, conflict and the climate crisis has left children vulnerable to critical levels of hunger and poverty. We are gravely concerned for children in Ukraine and around the world who might be caught in the middle of armed conflict. Their right to survival, protection and education is under immediate threat.
Help us to protect children to ensure they not only survive but thrive.

The past week the SSRI team has been busy with the preparations and teams can now sign up for the 12h Endurance race.

Event details:

Date: 16th April
Track: Hungaroring
Drivers Briefing: 10:30am UK (11:30 CET)
Practice: 11am UK – 30 mins (12:00 CET)
Qualifying: 11:30am UK – 30 mins (12:30 CET)
Race: 12pm UK – 12 Hours (13:00 CET)

Race Rules

Any Car Allowed
No driver restrictions (if a person wants to do it on their own good luck)
No Driver Stint Time
No Tyre Restrictions
Beautiful Sunny Weather (otherwise the sunflowers won’t grow)
Custom Liveries will be mandatory showing the SSRI Logo, a sunflower logo, The Save The Children Logo and the Ukraine flag. All logo’s must be in a prominent position.

Minimum £ 15,00 entry fee per driver (not team) direct to a gofund me page for Save The Children (coming soon) with the aim of raising as much money for the Ukraine as possible. The full event will be live streamed on our YouTube channel, if you wish to sponsor the event please get in touch with us via our Discord page. We hope that together we can raise a substantial amount to support those that need it the most!

– SSRI The Place To Race

Chris Hill

Chris Hill

Daily occupation, Project Manager, Evening and weekend occupation SSRI head honcho. First started Sim Racing back in the Early nineties, using a Joystick. Since then things escalated and fast forward to today I've traded my joystick for a proper sim-rig and Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix for AC, ACC and R3E.








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